Lamia/Flower vase
Objects with a specific function, which we now refer to as products, have been in existence since the hand axe was first created around 2.6 million years ago. With the world’s current affairs dominated by financial crisis, energy problems and speedy technological advances, the incessant consumption of products is easily forgotten. We need to reconsider the value and role of products to avoid over-saturation, decreasing quality and negative environmental impacts. This collection provides commentary in the form of poetry, an attempt to describe the essence of products and to appeal to the humanity we have lost.
Each piece was formed in response to these questions:
Question1 - Did the product exist before it was made physical?
Question2 - Where and how does it come into being?
Question3 - Is the initial idea represented when made real?
260万年前私たちの先祖が始めて道具の使用を始め、現在に至までの中で生まれた道具達に囲まれて私たちは生活している。 そして今、度重なる金融危機、エネルギー問題、食料問題、テクノロジーの発達と共にフィジカルな道具の意味を再考する時期に私たちは居るのではないか。 Collection “Lamia”は、3つの問いを立て、詩としての形で答えたもので構成されている。それは道具の本質の近づいたものになり、私たちが本来持っていたヒューマニティに訴えかけるものになるはずだ。
問1 - 道具に始まりはあるのか
問2 - どこで、どのように生まれたのか
問3 - はじまりのアイデア、そのビジョンはどういったものだったのか
Year: 23 July, 2035